Leave No Trace Trainer Online Course! Tues/Thurs┬á |┬á 3 – 5 pm from Oct 13 - 29

by Department of Recreation

Training Leadership Registered Campus Organizations

Tue, Oct 13, 2020

3 PM – 5 PM PDT (GMT-7)

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T/Th 3-5 pm - Oct 13th-29th - Course meets twice per week for 3 weeks.

Online Event




Leave No Trace Online Trainer Certificate Course!
Fee: Free for UCSB Students | $65 All others

Tues/Thurs  |  3 – 5 pm from Oct 13 - 29

Learn, train, and teach outdoor wilderness ethics!

UCSB Adventure Programs is proud to offer Leave No Trace Trainer online courses taught by one of our Master Educators. This 16-hour online course has been reformatted to include interactive live Zoom meetings and instruction. It will consist of “pre-Zoom” participant assignments and preparation followed by online presentations and class discussion. Our goal is for participants to finish the course feeling confident in their abilities to minimize outdoor impacts and pass those skills on to others.

Leave No Trace Trainer Course Certificate of Completion requires 16 hours of coursework. While typically the course takes place in the field, our online Trainer course will be conducted in the “virtual” field, and a little on your own.

Since this course is online and interactive, it requires the ability to meet online through Zoom video meetings on a device of your personal choice. Video/audio capability is required. Devices are not provided.

To register for this course click the Register button above to be redirected to the UCSB Recreation website.

Hosted By

Department of Recreation | View More Events
Co-hosted with: Adventure Programs

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