Tue, May 21, 2024

2 PM – 3:30 PM PDT (GMT-7)

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Do you love your research but cringe at the thought of speaking to large audiences? Do you get nervous thinking about upcoming presentations and conference talks? You are not alone, and we are here to help. This interactive workshop will show you how to deliver a compelling and engaging talk. We will discuss techniques to overcome nerves, use your voice effectively, and bring your ideas to life. This session will focus on how to connect with your audience and let your personality shine as you deliver your research pitch.


Bri McWhorter's profile photo

Bri McWhorter


Activate to Captivate


Bri McWhorter is a trained actor and the founder of Activate to Captivate, which is a communications company that specializes in using drama techniques to provide coaching in presentation skills, interview techniques, and interpersonal communication. Bri earned a BA in Theater and Performance Studies from UC Berkeley and went on to receive an MFA in Acting from UC Irvine.

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